Thoughts For The New QP Coordinator

Once the upcoming throne speech is out of the way, it will be time for Question Period again.

Having been involved with Question Perios (QP) for around 15 years, here are a few thoughts for Eric Duncan, the new QP coordinator for the Conservatives.

  1. Hire good support staff just for QP work, you will need it.
  2. Sit with the boss and decide on his long-term goals IE what is his strategy to defeat Trudeau.
  3. Do not be afraid to consult widely on a QP strategy
  4. It is not necessary to give a QP slot to the MP who is convinced he has the perfect issue. Listen politely then you decide
  5. The MP who complains the most about not getting a question, is not always right- but have the courtesy to listen to them- perhaps one later in the week or one of the last slots that day will satisfy their needs.
  6. Remember every MP needs to be seen in their riding taking part in holding the government to account- perhaps an SO 31 is better than a question?
  7. Be prepared for you or your staff to rewrite the question for the MP- most of theirs are too long winded.
  8. Sit with a stopwatch and time every practice question- there is no point having one cut off by the speaker.
  9. Make every MP show up for QP practice- no excuses accepted. Be prepared to cut someone out of QP if they consistently miss practice.
  10. The critic does not need to ask every question on their file- give some to others, especially if important to their riding.
  11. Sit with your leader every day there is QP, even if he is not attending- review issues and possible questions, strategy etc. Have the leader practice his questions in front of you and later in front of the MPs at the QP practice session- a lot of the time MPs can offer ideas, rewording etc.- it also builds a sense that they are a team- not individuals grandstanding and performing for the cameras.
  12. Your leader should not get down in the muck with his questions, they should be from a Prime Minister in waiting.
  13. Identify 3 attack dogs who on a regular basis ask the nasty questions- They must be smart and nimble enough to watch the proceedings and the Liberal answers and then ask a question without it always being handed to them.
  14. Feigned outrage can be useful, but never overdo it
  15. Remember no one issue will bring a government down. It is the slow cuts day after day that do the job- have a long-range vision.
  16. Try to restore some dignity and respect into QP. Remember that the MPs opposite you were also elected to represent the views of their constituents.
  17. No one on the other side is your enemy, just parliamentarians with a different policy point of view.
  18. Above all have fun- you have one of the most challenging, but awesome jobs on the Hill.