Enjoy “A One-Dose Summer”

Trudeau expects Canadians to enjoy “a one-dose summer.”

Is he nuts? Is he completely oblivious to the damage his failed vaccine procurement program has caused?

Canadians are hurting. We have seen loved ones die, others have suffered horrible pain in ICU and this so-called leader tells us to enjoy a one dose summer.

How come our American and UK allies are not enjoying a one dose summer?

How come they are now opening up, returning to normal?

Born with a silver spoon, Trudeau has zero idea of what it is like to be an average Canadian.

When things get tough, he writes himself a cheque from his million-dollar trust fund. The same way he thought the solution to Canadians financial problems was to cut them a cheque from the Government of Canada.

This man has zero understanding of what Canadian families living in lock downs and faced with the Covid virus are going through right now.

Don’t expect him to understand escalating grocery prices. When was the last time Trudeau actually paid out of his pocket for his family’s grocery bill?

Gasoline prices are starting to move quickly upwards, partially due to his carbon tax. When was the last time he paid to fill up a vehicle’s gas tank? Don’t mention his monumental screw up on line 5 in Michigan. Those huge gasoline and natural gas costs haven’t hit Canadian’s pocketbooks yet- but it will drain our bank accounts. How will seniors on fixed incomes pay for all of this?

He lives in his government subsidized Rideau cottage, oblivious to what Canadians are facing, reading talk points designed to get him re-elected and to cover his ass for his failures. He has never run a business and you could say never held a real job. How can he understand the pain, frustration and financial ruin facing small business owners due to extended lock downs- caused by lack of vaccines- the one job he had to do and failed?

Obviously, Liberal pre-election focus groups suggested the “one dose summer” was a wining talk point for him.

I suggest Canadians use a different talk point for him- “there is the door” and give the finger to a “one-dose summer.”

How Dumb Was That?

Today, a Conservative motion demanding the Prime Minister fire his Chief of Staff over the Vance issue was defeated in the House of Commons by a vote of 209 to 122.

Thank goodness! Who dreams up this stuff for the Conservatives- please tell us their name so that they can be fired too! After all if you can demand Liberal staffers be fired why not Conservative ones?

Personally, if I was Katie Telford right now, I would be giving the middle finger to the Conservatives.

Who gave opposition parties the right to decide who works or does not work in the Prime Minister’s office? Only the PM can do that and only he is responsible for their action or inaction. The buck stops on Trudeau’s desk, not Telford’s, not some other junior staffer.

Outside of being a dumb motion the Conservatives gave up an opportunity to go after Trudeau and to hold him personally accountable on the Vance file. They also gave up an excellent opportunity to go after the Minister of Defence or an opportunity to attack Trudeau on the vaccine supply issue or an opportunity to nail the Prime Minister on our trillion dollar plus deficit and so on.

All of this for a cheap attack on a staffer.

The Conservatives biggest failure was that they took their aim off of the Prime Minister. This motion allows him to skate away with the media now focused on a staffer and not where it should be on the PM. Trudeau is the one responsible, not Telford. They should never have taken their focus off of the man at the top. Was Telford instructed by the Prime Minister or other senior Liberal, not to tell him details about Vance? When did he agree to that?

Was there an understanding between them that hot issues like this be kept from him to allow for plausible deniability? When was this decided? What issues would this apply too?

No matter how you look at it- it always comes back to the Prime Minister and when did he know and what did he do about it? Nothing can be simpler than that.

Should the Conservatives win the next election (and we all have opinions on that happening) I can almost guarantee you that there will be opposition motions for the Prime Minister to fire one of his staffers.

Sometimes these issues come back to bite you where it hurts.

Dumb as a bag of hammers.